To receive your Coach in Training Certificate and your RDA Coaching Passport you must first complete two online training modules through this link here.
Once you have completed these modules, print off your certificates and keep them safe because you will need to put them in your Coaching Passport at a later date!
You will then need to complete two practical modules; Mounting & Dismounting and Preparing & Assisting RDA Sessions. These can either be completed at an organised training day, or on an individual basis within your group by any Coach Certificate holder that feels comfortable to do so.
Once you have completed all of the Volunteer Modules you can attend a Pre-Coach Training Session. These must be delivered by a County or Regional Coach or Coach Developer but could be delivered within the group if there is enough demand.
To check what training days are being held and where they are check out our events page here.

Once you have completed all Volunteer Modules, attended a Pre-Coach Training Session and filled in a Coach Registration Document (this will be done at the pre-coach training session) you will receive a brand new RDA Coaching Passport with your Coach in Training Certificate. This allows you to coach under supervision within your group and gain experience ready to begin the next stage of your journey, your Coach Certificate. Click here for more details.
It is important to keep all of your documents together so that they are accessible throughout each stage of your coaching journey.